Benefits of being a member


Joining GRAFCO is an outstanding opportunity to build savings, earn interest on your savings and dividends on your shares, have access to training and capacity building (e.g. how to market your products more effectively), business networking and mentoring through cell groups and other avenues. The following are benefits of being a GRAFCO SACCO member:

  • Access to affordable capital to boost or start your business, thereby improving your business' livelihoods through investment and meeting other day-to-day eventualities
  • Opportunities to build savings, earn interest on the savings, and earn dividends from shares
  • Gain access to local and international business conferences and trade fairs
  • Opportunities to network and share business ideas and experiences
  • Funeral rider support
  • Serve your community through sustainable  programs
  • Benefit from GRAFCO's agricultural program which trains farmers on horticulture and livestock production and other farming techniques